About ODS
ODS was founded around 1978...
ODS Mission & Beliefs
ODS Mission
The mission of ODS shall be to promote and support the sport and art of Dressage to the equestrian community for the purpose of fostering individual and collective growth by providing leadership, education, exhibitions, publications, competitions; and to enhance greater public awareness, understanding and appreciation for the discipline of Dressage.
ODS Beliefs
In developing and operating to fulfill its mission, ODS supports the following beliefs:
We believe the love of dressage is our common bond.
We believe each person involved in our organization is valuable.
We believe the organization exists for the good of the whole.
We believe in and recognize the volunteer ethic.
We believe in promoting the well being of the horse.
We believe that knowledge promotes better riding.
We believe in the pursuit of excellence in all our activities.
We believe in the pursuit of individual excellence.
We believe that interactive communication is essential to a healthy organization.
We believe the value of participation is in the process as well as the achievement.
We believe dressage combines sport and art.
We believe dressage principles are valuable to all forms of riding.